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Modular Buildings and Construction Blog

Educating Architects on Modular Building Solutions and Construction

Posted by Wilmot Modular on July 31, 2022

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There are plenty of benefits when it comes to using modular building solutions, from quicker construction and cost-savings, to eco-friendly processes. However, architects have had some hesitation fully accepting modular construction, or at least implementing it in more construction projects. In this article, we dive into considerations that college architecture programs are taking to promote the learning and use of modular construction.


Educating Future Architects


The modular construction process has been in existence for decades, but because of perceived limitations in design and functionality, many architects have not been as interested in the process for their customers’ projects. That has all turned around as technological innovations, construction materials, building processes, and the importance of environmentally sound construction practices have all improved.

One of the biggest factors indicating that modular construction isn’t just a fad is being seen all over the world at schools and universities that offer architectural programs. They are all starting to take a greater interest in the subject of modular building construction. Several institutions are working with grants and other funding sources to conduct industry research, and conduct studies that can help with job creation and placement of students within modular building companies after graduation.


Architects-in-Training and The Future of Modular Construction


Many architectural students join the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS). Recently, AIAS partnered with the Modular Building Institute (MBI) to provide opportunities that increase awareness and educate students on the modular construction process. First, students design and create models of modular buildings as part of a modular construction competition, in part to demonstrate an understanding of how modules are built in one location (known as “offsite construction”) and sent to another location to create the modular buildings. Second, students participate in a series of ten short “modular 101” courses, who upon successful completion receive a joint certificate from MBI and AIAS.

Wilmot Modular is a proud member of the MBI. We work with several architects that specialize in using modular construction to save time and money on construction projects. As architecture students enter the workforce and bring their design ideas integrated with their knowledge of modular construction, the impact on the construction industry will be transformative.

To learn more about our innovative modular construction solutions, reach out today! Our experts are more than happy to discuss how modular buildings can meet your needs.  

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Topics: Modular Buildings, Modular Construction